Fox Vein & Laser Experts in Miami Florida.

What Causes Ear Veins and How are They Treated?

If you’re someone who has noticeable veins on your ears and are wondering what’s going on to cause veiny ears, don’t worry; you’re not alone.

Ear Veins: What They Are And How To Treat Them

Spider veins can appear anywhere in the body. Commonly, we can find spiders veins on our legs, on our hands, on our torsos, and sometimes on our faces. Believe it or not, spider veins can also appear in the ears. In the ears? You say. Yes, it can appear in the ears and its causes are similar to those found anywhere else in the body.

A source indicates that “an estimated 30% to 60% of adults have spider or varicose veins.” Today, we will talk about telangiectasia, its causes, and how to treat it.

What Causes Ear Veins and How are They Treated

spider veins

Veins are a main part of the circulatory system and their main function is to help keep blood flowing through the body back to the heart. If a vein becomes damaged, it can longer perform its job as it should. Veins are found all throughout the body, including the legs, arms, feet, neck, hands, face, and even behind your ears. The veins that you may notice on the backside of your ears are part of the Posterior Auricular Vein, which is the vein of the head. You can develop both spider veins or varicose veins on the ears. The main differences between these types of veins is their size and appearance. Spider veins are smaller, while varicose veins are typically larger and appear as swollen, raised, and often bulging and twisted like a rope.

Treatment for ear veins largely depends on the size. For smaller spider veins, the two most common treatment options are sclerotherapy or laser treatment. Sclerotherapy is a treatment involving a medical solution that is injected directly into the affected vein to cause it to collapse, seal shut and then become naturally absorbed and removed from the body. Laser treatment is the best option for non-invasive procedures. For this type of treatment, the affected vein is targeted just as with sclerotherapy, but instead of a medicated solution, the vein doctor will use laser energy to treat the vein.

Those veins on your ears show that there is something going on with your circulatory system. Ear blood vessels that are visible beneath the surface of the skin can be caused by a variety of different things such as family genetics, aging, changes in hormones, or even if you’ve been in the sun for too long.

Don’t be alarmed by what looks like a vein popping out of head. There are easy ways to treat these veins, and it does not always mean you need to see a vein specialist. You may be able to lessen the visibility of the apparent blood vessels in ear that is bothering you, simply by making these life changes:

For larger varicose veins, vein doctors may use either ambulatory phlebectomy or endovenous laser ablation (EVLA) to treat the ear veins. EVLA is one of the most effective varicose vein treatments, with a 98-100% success rate. For this procedure, a very thin fiber laser is inserted into the affected vein and laser energy heats up the vein, causes it to collapse and seals it shut. Ambulatory Phlebectomy is an actual surgical procedure that uses local anesthesia, and incisions are made into the body to remove the damaged vein.

1. Be smart about staying out in the sun: If you are someone who loves soaking up the sun, make sure to keep your ears covered with SPF of at least 30, and wear a hat. Too much exposure to harmful UV rays can make those ear veins stand out even more.

2. Practice healthy habits: Stay active, eat a well-balanced diet, and avoid sitting still for too long. The way to achieve healthy veins throughout your entire body is to keep circulation flowing smoothly. A sedentary lifestyle can make ear veins weak in the same way that veins in other parts of the body can become weak or damaged.

3. Soothe your skin: Using gentle creams or oils containing vitamin E, aloe vera, or witch hazel can help promote skin health and reduce inflammation.

4. Try holistic alternatives: Acupuncture has been said to help improve circulation and blood flow, so this could be a helpful treatment if you are looking for something more natural and holistic.

While having veins in your ears is normal, if they become enlarged or start to bulge out or become discolored, it might be time to see a vein doctor for a consultation to determine the best treatment option for you and your vein condition. Poor circulation in the body can lead to damaged veins, even in the ears. Whether you are suffering from larger varicose veins in the ears, or smaller spider veins, the vein specialists at Fox Vein & Laser Experts can help.

What Are Spider Veins?

To learn how to treat spider veins we must briefly talk about what it is. Spider veins are small dilated blood vessels that can appear on the surface of the skin. Generally, spider veins are anywhere between .5 millimeters to 3 millimeters in diameter. They are different from varicose veins in that varicose veins are larger in size, are swollen, and raised. Spider veins, on the other hand, are much smaller in size, look like fine lines (or a web-like appearance), and typically appear unraised on the skin.

Varicose Veins in Ear

Can you get varicose veins in-ear, too? You ask. Yes, both spider veins and varicose veins can appear in the ears. Although, varicose veins in the ears may be a sign of a more serious condition. Contact your healthcare professional for more information. Please contact our Fort Lauderdale vein doctor for varicose vein treatment at Fox Vein & Laser Experts.

Spider Veins and Varicose Veins Causes

Spider veins and varicose veins are similar in that they are visible on our bodies. Their causes are also similar. To name a few, heredity, hormones, obesity, environmental factors (like exposure to ultraviolet rays), and activities that involve a lot of standing for extended periods of time are some causes of spider and varicose veins.

Ear Veins Removal and Ear Veins Treatment

Now that we have briefly discussed what spider veins (and varicose veins) are and what causes them, let’s talk about treatment options.

Sclerotherapy and laser therapy are the two most common forms of treatment for spider veins. In sclerotherapy, a health professional injects a solution into the vein. The solution causes the spider veins to collapse, leading to its disappearance. Laser therapy is a non-invasive procedure that involves targeting the spider vein from outside the skin using direct light.

Ear Veins

Ablation and ambulatory phlebectomy are considered to be treatment options for larger varicose veins. Ablation is a minimally invasive procedure. It involves using lasers or radiofrequency to cauterize or destroy the varicose vein. Ambulatory phlebectomy in Miami is a surgical procedure that uses local anesthesia. In this procedure, a health professional will make tiny incisions in the skin to remove larger-sized varicose veins.

Varicose Vein Behind Ear

Whether you have varicose veins in-ear or spider veins, contact your health professional to get further information about the type of treatment options suitable for your situation. A healthcare professional will help guide you in recommending and providing the best ear vein removal and ear veins treatment for your body.

However, if that vein behind ear is causing pain, discomfort, or any other symptoms, it’s time to see a vein doctor. Depending on the severity of the symptoms and vein health, your doctor may suggest a vein treatment to help get rid of the damaged vein and/or reduce its appearance.

In addition to an interruption in blood flow and circulation, visible veins could be what happens if you pierce a vein in your ear. This can lead to various consequences depending on the severity of the injury and how promptly it’s addressed.

Piercing a vein in your ear can lead to bleeding, pain, swelling, bruising, and potential complications such as infection. Prompt and appropriate wound care is essential to minimize the risk of complications and promote healing.

If you experience significant bleeding or other concerning symptoms after piercing a vein in your ear, seek medical attention promptly for proper evaluation and treatment. Having veiny ears might seem like no big deal, but it’s essential to keep an eye on them and take care of your vascular health.

Contact Fox Vein & Laser Experts

Vein Center Miami at Fox Vein & Laser Experts is here to help you. Contact us at 954.627.1045 today for your ear veins removal Start a new confident life with a beautiful face.


What are the first signs of ear veins?

The first signs of ear veins are similar to the signs of varicose veins or spider veins on any other part of your body. Spider veins will appear as small, threadlike red veins intertwined in clusters of the body. The medical term for these veins is Telangiectasia, but because of their size and shape, most people refer to them as spider veins. Varicose veins, on the other hand, have many more signs and symptoms, and more often are the cause of cosmetic concern as well. Varicose veins are larger, with a bulging and twisted rope-like appearance. They may cause excess itching, tenderness, burning sensations, swelling or in some cases, bleeding. If you have ear veins, make sure to pay close attention and see a vein doctor if you notice any changes in the appearance of the vein or if they start to cause pain and discomfort.

What is the most common cause of ear veins?

In general, damaged veins occur when the valves and walls of the vein become affected. This can be due to a lot of different reasons, some that may be out of your control, such as genetics, a family history of varicose veins or blood clotting disorders, hormonal changes, natural aging, and gender. Additional risk factors include being obese, as the excess weight can put pressure on the veins, and sitting or standing for long periods of time, causing constriction of blood flow. If you find that this is an issue for you, take breaks every 30 minutes or so to get up and move around. Movement is key for proper blood flow.

Which vitamin is good for the ears?

The best vitamins to take for ear health are magnesium combined with vitamins A, C and E. These vitamins and minerals, when taken together, can help with any kind of ear sensitivities you may have, decrease the risk for hearing loss due to loud noises, and also reduce the risk for developing tinnitus. Tinnitus is a condition that causes a ringing, clicking or buzzing noise in one of both of your ears, but others cannot hear it. Folic acid is also said to be helpful for those who experience hearing loss due to the natural aging process.

Can you feel your ear veins?

If you have developed varicose veins behind your ears, there is a chance you will be able to feel them as they become swollen or begin to bulge out of the skin. If you are experiencing this, we recommend seeing a vein doctor to check if there is risk for developing a more serious underlying vein condition.

How long do ear veins take to heal?

While all patients go through the healing process differently, most tend to see a difference in the signs and symptoms of their varicose veins within a week or so. Full results may take up to weeks or months, depending on the severity of your vein condition and the type of treatment performed.

Is it normal to see veins in the ears?

It is possible to have smaller spider veins in the ears, as well as larger varicose veins. What causes ear veins is essentially the same as the reasons for visible veins on other parts of the body. Some of those causes include things like genes and family history, hormones, obesity, exposure to UV raps, and sitting and/or standing for too long of a time period, to name a few.

While it is normal to see small ear veins like spider veins, if you can see larger, bulging varicose veins that stick out of the skin, or are itchy, discolored, and painful, it might be a sign of an ear vein problem. This should not be ignored in case there is a more serious venous condition developing. In this case, it is highly recommended to call your healthcare provider or make an appointment for a consultation with a vein doctor who can assess the situation and provide the proper treatment for ear veins.

Are there any veins in your ear?

Yes, there are veins situated on the backside of the ear known as the Posterior Auricular Vein. This is the vein of the head, but it also runs behind the ears. The Posterior Auricular Vein drains from the scalp and into the external jugular vein.

Can you hear your ear veins?

You cannot hear ear veins, but if you are constantly hearing a sound in one or both of your ears that others do not hear, you are experiencing a condition known as tinnitus. It might be a ringing, buzzing, clicking or humming sound. Your doctor will be able to hear the noise, just as you do, through a stethoscope, but no one else hears it but you, and that is because the sound comes from within your body.

The noise will follow a rhythmic beat and can range from mildly irritating and distracting to severely loud and unbearable. In some cases, you might experience the sound getting louder when you are surrounded by other outside noises. 

Although these sounds do not indicate an ear vein problem, one of the lesser common causes of tinnitus is damaged blood vessels. If you suffer from any kind of blood vessel disorder, blood might move through the veins and arteries with much more force and pressure, and this could result in tinnitus or exacerbate the symptoms.

What is the best treatment for ear veins?

If you are wondering how to treat ear veins, there are a couple of options to choose from depending on your individual ear vein problem and health history. If your ear veins are smaller, similar to spider veins, sclerotherapy, and laser therapy are the best treatment options. Sclerotherapy uses a medicated solution, while laser therapy uses direct light. 

The best treatment for ear veins that are larger varicose veins is ablation since it is minimally invasive and uses laser or radiofrequency to destroy the vein. Ambulatory phlebectomy is also an option but does require surgery and local anesthesia.

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Top Benefits of Choosing VeinGogh Treatment in Miami, FL

If you’re living in Miami and in search of a safe and effective solution for unsightly and uncomfortable spider veins, VeinGogh treatment may be just the right treatment you’ve been looking for. 

This innovative procedure offers a variety of benefits, providing a quick, safe, and reliable way to eliminate small spider veins on your face, legs, feet, or anywhere else on the body they may be present. 

VeinGogh vein treatment is a cutting-edge method used specifically to treat spider veins and small varicose veins. The procedure uses Ohmic Thermolysis technology, which delivers microbursts of high-frequency energy directly to the vein, causing the vessel walls to collapse and be reabsorbed by the body. 

This revolutionary technology is able to target spider veins with such precision that it avoids damaging the surrounding tissue or leaving scars on the skin. This makes it a much more preferred choice compared to other traditional vein treatment methods.

VeinGogh is minimally invasive and typically performed in a medical office. First, you’ll come into the office for a consultation with a vein specialist who will evaluate your medical history, as well as the current state of your veins to determine if VeinGogh is the right option for you. 

Remember, not all veins are treatable with VeinGogh. A patient who is suffering from larger varicose veins or feeder veins may not be a candidate for the procedure. This will all be discussed during the initial consultation. 

On the day of the treatment, the targeted area will be cleaned, and a topical anesthetic may be applied to ensure your comfort. The procedure involves a frequency regulator called Microburst Technology, which is delivered to the affected veins. These bursts are incredibly short — only a fraction of a second. The veins will shrink and eventually disappear, and blood is then rerouted to healthy veins. 

Because of how quick and precise the bursts of energy are, it is a more comfortable experience, safe for all skin types, and there is largely decreased risk for visible scars. The process only takes around 30 minutes, depending on the size and number of veins being treated.

After the treatment, you may experience minor redness or swelling in the treated area, but these side effects are usually temporary. There is no downtime, and you can return to your normal activities immediately.

VeinGogh Treatment is an excellent option for many individuals, but it’s particularly beneficial for those who have small, superficial veins; are looking for a minimally invasive solution; have tried other spider vein treatments without seeing any success, and are in generally good health. Patients who have certain significant underlying conditions could experience complications during the procedure.

Choosing this particular option for spider vein treatment has numerous advantages. Some of the benefits of VeinGogh include:

1. Precision and Control: VeinGogh allows for precise targeting of veins, ensuring effective treatment with minimal impact on surrounding tissues.

2. Quick and Convenient: The procedure is very quick, typically taking only around a half hour to an hour, depending on the size of the area. It requires no downtime, allowing you to resume your daily activities immediately.

3. Minimal Discomfort: The treatment is virtually painless, with most patients experiencing only minor discomfort during the procedure. It’s a much more comfortable procedure when compared to other traditional methods.

4. Effective Results: VeinGogh effectively eliminates spider veins and small varicose veins, providing visible results after just one session. It also provides flexibility to treat other types of skin imperfections such as rosacea cherry angiomas.

5. Safe for All Skin Types: Unlike some laser treatments, VeinGogh is safe for all skin types and tones, making it a versatile option for a diverse range of patients.

6. No Scarring: The precision of the VeinGogh system ensures that there is no scarring or significant skin damage, preserving the aesthetics of the treated area.

7. Long-Lasting Effects: Results from VeinGogh are long-lasting, especially when supplemented with a healthy lifestyle and proper vein care post-treatment. After treatment, patients continue to see improvement over time as the veins are absorbed and removed by the body.

VeinGogh is safe and effective when done on its own, but it can also be used in conjunction with Sclerotherapy for even better results. Sclerotherapy is another treatment used for spider vein removal that uses injections with medication in liquid or foam form. Just as with VeinGogh, it’s a very quick procedure that provides optimal results.

South Florida is home to top-notch medical facilities and specialists, so if you are looking for VeinGogh treatment in Miami, you have come to the right place. The expert team at Fox Vein & Laser Experts have several years of experience providing patients with successful VeinGogh procedures, as well as numerous other vein treatments.

If you are struggling with small spider veins and seeking a safe, effective solution, consider all of the benefits of VeinGogh treatment. With its precision and effectiveness, minimal discomfort, and long-lasting results, VeinGogh offers an ideal option for treating spider veins and small varicose veins. Contact our office at 954-627-1045 for a consultation or book an appointment online.

Prepping for Your Skin Rejuvenation Treatment: What You Need to Know

We all want radiant and youthful skin, and one of the best ways to achieve this is by adding a skin rejuvenation treatment series into our routine. 

There are a variety of treatments that can be considered skin rejuvenating. Laser procedures are safe and effective for treating more serious skin concerns. These devices work by targeting specific skin concerns such as pigmentation, wrinkles, and scars by stimulating collagen production and resurfacing the skin. 

For laser skin rejuvenation in Miami at Fox Vein & Laser Experts, we offer PicoWay® Resolve, which is a fractional laser treatment that utilizes the shortest wavelength of laser energy available on the market today. 

It is safe for all skin types and shades. Due to the energy being delivered in such short bursts, the skin never heats up too much. That results in a much more comfortable experience for the patient, with optimal results and no need for extended downtime. 

Additional options to rejuvenate the skin include microneedling, facials and chemical peels. Microneedling involves using a device with tiny needles to create micro-injuries in the skin. These injuries trigger the skin’s natural healing process, resulting in increased collagen and elastin production, which improves skin texture and firmness.

Facial treatments range from basic facials to more advanced ones like chemical peels and microdermabrasion. Facials aim to cleanse, exfoliate, and hydrate the skin, while advanced treatments target specific concerns such as acne, hyperpigmentation, and aging.

The secret to maximizing the benefits of these treatments, however, lies in proper skin preparation. 

Preparing your skin before any rejuvenating skin treatment ensures optimal results, minimizes risks, and promotes faster healing. Here are some basic things you should know about prepping your skin for a rejuvenation treatment:

Consultation and Assessment: Before undergoing any skin rejuvenation treatment, a thorough consultation with a qualified skincare specialist is essential. They will assess your skin type, concerns, and medical history to recommend the most suitable treatment and preparation steps.

Avoid Sun Exposure: This is incredibly important. Sun exposure can increase the risk of complications during and after a treatment. For at least two weeks prior to your appointment, avoid excessive sun exposure and always wear broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher. If you have a sunburn, we recommend rescheduling your treatment.

Discontinue Certain Medications and Products: Some medications and skin care products can increase skin sensitivity. Inform your provider about any medications you are taking, including over-the-counter products. Typically, you will be advised to stop using retinoids, alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs), beta hydroxy acids (BHAs), and other exfoliants at least a week before treatment. 

Hydrate and Moisturize: Your skin will respond better to the treatment and heal faster when it’s well hydrated. Drink plenty of water in the days leading up to your treatment and use a good quality moisturizer to keep your skin hydrated. Avoid using any new products that could potentially irritate your skin.

Cleanse Your Skin Thoroughly: On the day of your treatment, cleanse your skin thoroughly to ensure all makeup is gone, and any oils and impurities are cleared away. Use a gentle, non-abrasive cleanser, and avoid scrubbing your skin. It’s important that your skin is clean and free of any barriers that could interfere with the treatment.

Follow Pre-Treatment Instructions: Each type of skin rejuvenation treatment may have specific pre-treatment instructions. During your initial consultation, our team will go over all of these instructions with you to make sure you are well-prepared for treatment day.

For laser treatments specifically, avoid photosensitizing agents. Certain skincare ingredients and medications can make your skin more sensitive to light. Avoid these for at least a week before your laser treatment.

For microneedling, you may want to consider numbing cream, especially if you are sensitive to pain. Microneedling can be uncomfortable on certain parts of the face and body. Numbing cream can be applied about 30 minutes prior to the treatment. If you think you may want to do this, make sure to account for that extra time when scheduling the appointment.

Proper post-treatment care is just as crucial as pre-treatment preparation. It’s important to follow your provider’s instructions to ensure optimal healing and results. 

After getting a skin rejuvenation treatment, you should:

  • Avoid prolonged sun exposure and use sunscreen with at least SPF 30 diligently.
  • Keep the treated area clean and moisturized.
  • Avoid strenuous activities that cause sweating for a few days.
  • Not pick or scratch the treated area to prevent scarring and infection.

Proper skin preparation is the foundation for a successful skin rejuvenation treatment. If you follow all the steps outlined above, as well as anything else that your provider suggests, you are more likely to achieve your skin goals. This also minimizes the risk of developing complications. 

With the right preparation and care, you’re on your way to enjoying healthier, more radiant skin. 

To schedule an appointment with our skin rejuvenation specialists at Fox Vein & Laser Experts, contact us at 954-627-1045 or book online.

6 Life Changing Benefits of Laser Hair Removal

When it comes to our personal care routine, most people prefer to seek out products and treatments that are known for their convenience and efficiency. One of those personal care routines that is both a necessity and a hassle is hair removal

Traditional hair removal methods like shaving, waxing, and tweezing can be time-consuming, painful, and only offer temporary results. Laser hair removal, or laser hair reduction treatment, is the long-term solution you’ve been waiting for.

If you have been considering laser hair removal, but haven’t yet booked the treatment, understanding its benefits can help you make a final decision. Here are six life-changing benefits of laser hair removal:

1. Long-lasting Results

The biggest advantage of laser hair removal over other methods is its potential for long-lasting results. Shaving, waxing, and tweezing need to be repeated on a regular basis — sometimes even every day. 

Alternatively, laser hair removal targets the hair follicles directly, eventually damaging it enough to significantly reduce hair regrowth. After a series of about 4-8 sessions, depending on the area being treated, most people will experience a substantial reduction in hair growth. This also leads to smoother skin, and much less maintenance needed.

2. Precision and Effectiveness

Laser hair removal offers unparalleled precision. At Fox Vein & Laser Experts, we use the GentleMax Pro®, which is known to be the most effective and gentle machine on the market. It is powerful enough that it can lessen the amount of visits needed in order to see optimal results. The

Our aesthetician can customize the treatment to each individual patient using the device’s precise technology, and provide a comfortable experience with very little to no side effects and no downtime.

The laser technology is designed to target the hair follicles while leaving the surrounding skin undamaged. This makes it an ideal solution for treating small areas like the upper lip, chin, and bikini line with high precision. 

Additionally, it can adjust to different skin types and hair colors, ensuring effective and safe treatment for just about everyone. 

3. Time and Cost Efficiency

Don’t let the upfront cost of laser hair removal scare you away. While it may appear higher compared to traditional methods, it is a cost-effective solution in the long run. 

Consider how much you spend overtime on razors, shaving creams, waxing kits, and salon appointments. Laser hair removal reduces, and sometimes even eliminates the need for all of these recurring expenses. 

It’s not just your money you’ll be saving though — it’s your time too. When you don’t have to engage in these regular hair removal routines, you’re freeing up a significant amount of time for yourself. That means more leisure time and less hassle. Ideal for parents and busy professionals!

4. Improved Skin Health

Shaving is almost synonymous with skin irritation, razor bumps and burns, ingrown hairs, and even infections. Waxing can cause burns and irritation too. Laser hair removal, on the other hand, can help mitigate these issues. 

By targeting the hair follicle and reducing the frequency of hair removal, the skin has more time to heal and regenerate. Most people who have gone through with laser hair removal say that their skin is smoother and healthier as a result of the treatments. Even better, if you are someone who is prone to skin issues related to shaving or waxing, laser hair removal can be a game-changer.

5. Boost in Confidence

This benefit is more about our own personal mindset. Having visible, unwanted hair in certain places can be a source of embarrassment and self-consciousness for many people. Whether it’s facial hair, underarm stubble, or leg hair, constantly worrying about visible hair can definitely have an effect on confidence. 

Laser hair removal offers a more permanent solution, allowing individuals to feel more confident in their appearance. This boost in self-esteem can positively impact various aspects of life, from social interactions to professional settings.

6. Convenience and Comfort

Laser hair removal treatments are relatively quick. For small areas like the underarms or upper lips, sessions are only a few minutes. Larger areas like the legs or back can take around an hour, but no more than that.

With today’s advanced laser technology, there is nowhere near as much pain associated with the treatments as there was in the past. Most people describe the feeling as mild pinching or tingling. 

There is also no need for downtime, so you can return to your daily activities immediately after a session. You may see mild redness or bumps after the treatment, but those side effects disappear very quickly

Laser hair removal offers numerous life-changing benefits. From the long-lasting results to the significant amount of time and money saved in the long run and everything in between, it has proven to be the superior alternative to traditional hair removal methods. 

For those in Miami seeking an effective and permanent solution to unwanted hair, our laser hair removal Miami clinic provides state-of-the-art services designed to meet diverse needs. Book your appointment now to get started, and you’ll have smooth, hair-free skin in no time.
Contact our office at 954-627-1045 or book online.