[vc_row 0=””][vc_column 0=””][vc_column_text 0=””]A Microphlebectomy is a surgical procedure used to remove a large or medium-sized varicose vein from the patient’s leg. It’s an outpatient procedure that the Fort Lauderdale vein surgeon can perform in her office. Treatment time may vary. The procedure is also called phlebectomy, stab avulsion, or ambulatory phlebectomy.
What does Microphlebectomy Involve?
After consulting with the patient, the Vein Doctor Miami will use a local anesthetic. The surgeon will then make small incisions in the patient’s leg.
After bandaging the treatment site, the surgeon may apply a compression dressing or stocking to the leg. It may prevent hemorrhaging and complications, and it will reduce discomfort.
The patient may also undergo an ultrasound exam to make sure that other veins in the leg are functioning properly and didn’t cause the varicose veins.
The patient may return to work right after the procedure, but they should not drive for at least 24 hours until they have fully recovered from the anesthesia. They may take the bandages off after 24 to 48 hours, but they should continue using the compression stockings for a longer length of time. The patient may take the stocking off to bathe. Aside from that, they should wear the stocking consistently.
Several weeks after the procedure, the patient should let the Aventura vein doctor examine their leg and check its progress. During the follow-up, the doctor will also decide if the patient needs further treatment.
Are there side effects?
Phlebectomy is safe and generally does not cause complications or side effects. The side effects most likely to occur with a phlebectomy are discomfort and a temporary change in skin color. Exposure to sunlight can cause the incision sites to become abnormally dark and should, therefore, be avoided.
Who is not a good candidate for a Microphlebectomy?
A good candidate will be someone who has overall good health aside from their varicose veins. The veins themselves have to be at least medium-sized and near the skin’s surface.
People who are not good candidates include people with serious illnesses like heart disease or diabetes. People with edemas, cellulitis or dermatitis, are also not good candidates for Microphlebectomy. People with venous reflux at large vein junctures are also not good candidates. Venous reflux is a condition in which the valves in the vein don’t close properly, and the blood, therefore, flows backward.
Contact Us at Fox Vein & Laser Experts
Contact Fox Vein & Laser Experts today to schedule a consultation.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]