What is an Esthetician
One of the most important things we can do to take care of our overall health is to take care of our skin. Skin health connects to our physical and mental health in many ways. Even though getting facials, microneedling, laser treatments and other cosmetic treatments might seem superficial, these skincare treatments are an essential part of an effective self care routine, both inside and out.
These treatments are not medical, and therefore do not need to be performed by a doctor; however, they do need to be performed by a trained and experienced esthetician. What is an esthetician? These professionals are state-licensed and proficient in skin care treatments and products. They perform non-invasive treatments like facials, chemical peels, and laser treatments that help to rejuvenate and revitalize the skin, smooth wrinkles, reduce the appearance of unwanted signs of aging, stretch marks and other skin woes, decrease hair growth, and more.
What’s the difference between Esthetician vs Aesthetician?
An esthetician is not to be confused with an aesthetician, even though the spelling and pronunciation is almost identical and the words are sometimes used interchangeably. However, there is a difference when looking at the job duties of an esthetician vs aesthetician. As explained, an esthetician performs non-invasive, cosmetic treatments to improve the appearance of the skin both on the face and body.
An aesthetician, on the other hand, has more of a clinical background and is licensed to work on patients who have experienced more serious damage from burns or injuries. Aestheticians have more medical and technical training and education, and go through a different kind of school and certification process.
Specific education is required for someone to become a certified esthetician, however the exact amount of schooling needed is different in every state. There is a certain amount of classroom hours needed, in addition to specialization training and hands-on learning experience.
In Florida, for example, you need to be at least 16-years-old to be eligible to enroll in a Florida esthetician school, and then complete a minimum of 260 hours of training, as required by the Florida Board of Cosmetology. After you have completed all of the necessary training, you have to apply for your license, and as time goes on, complete continuing education courses in order to renew your license every two years. Florida has one of the largest populations of employed estheticians in the entire United States; in fact, it is one of the top five.
What is an Esthetician Compared to a Doctor?
It is important to note that estheticians are not doctors, and therefore, are not permitted to perform any kind of medical diagnosis or treatment for a disease or condition, nor can they prescribe medication. If a patient shows signs of something that requires medical attention, a professional must be brought in. This is why many estheticians choose to work under the watch of a medical professional such as a dermatologist, chiropractor, or a vein doctor Miami, like Dr. Susan B. Fox D.O, RPVI, FSVM at Fox Vein & Laser Experts.
Fox Vein & Laser Experts is proud to be one of the state’s esthetician employers, having expert estheticians on staff to perform a variety of award-winning and best-in-class cosmetic treatments for our patients.
There are a lot of treatments that an esthetician can perform, including, but not limited to, facials, body treatments, chemical peels, microdermabrasion, laser resurfacing, laser skin rejuvenation, waxing, threading, laser hair removal Miami, body scrubs and maks, makeup and brow application, scalp treatments, aromatherapy, microneedling and more.
What Types of Esthetician Treatments Does Fox Vein & Laser Experts Offer?
Here are some of the most popular types of esthetician treatments that are offered at Fox Vein & Laser Experts:
Facials: We offer a wide variety of facials including the Classic Facial, Teen Facial, Men’s Facial, Back Facial, Detox Deep Clean, Razor Bump Treatment, Dermaplaning, as well as a deluxe package called the Ultimate Facial and a facial combined with microneedling called the Red Carpet Treatment.
Chemical Peels and Masks: We work with the number one chemical peel brand in the industry, VI Peel, to offer patients the VI Peel Purify for acne and oily skin, and the VI Peel Precision Plus, for anti-aging and hyperpigmentation.
Microneedling: We use the Virtue RF device, which has recently released brand new hand pieces that allow for much more customizable, targeted treatments for the eyes and the body.
Laser Skin Rejuvenation: The Resolve by PicoWay Laser is used for acne-specific facials, aging, discoloration and overall skin rejuvenation. The PicoWay Laser can also be used for tattoo removal.
Hair Restoration: We recently completed a clinical trial with AnteAGE that used microneedling coupled with an at-home serum and device that proved very successful. We now offer these treatments in our office and are seeing profound results.
Laser Hair Removal: The best-in-class GentleMax Pro is a game changer for laser hair removal. Its high powered energy makes for a painless and comfortable experience for our patients.
Contact us at Fox Vein & Laser Experts
Whether you are looking for a bright and beautiful youthful glow to your face, want to improve the appearance of stretch marks or loose skin on your body, or finally be able to ditch that razor for good, our expert esthetician is here to give you the best skincare experience. Call our office today to book your next appointment.